June 14, 2022

AI & Cybersecurity

AI & Cybersecurity


Cyber security is a growing concern in the digital world we live in today. In the last few years, many experts have turned to artificial intelligence to provide a solution to this problem. AI is making great strides in protecting us from cyber threats. In 2019, approximately 83% of organizations based in the United States consider that without AI, their organization fails to deal with cyberattacks. This technology can be an amazing tool for good, however it also has its disadvantages and should be handled with care by its creators and those using it.

AI is extremely efficient and quick.

AI is extremely efficient and quick. It has the ability to process more data than humans, which means it can make decisions faster and with more accuracy. In addition to being able to process data faster than humans, AI also processes data more efficiently:

  • It can take in large amounts of data from multiple sources at once; then it sorts through that information quickly and accurately to determine what important information needs attention.
  • This is especially helpful when attempting to detect malicious intent or activity within a network—whether this activity comes from external hackers or internal employees who may be misusing their privileges.
  • Another benefit of using AI for cybersecurity purposes is that it’s scalable. You don't need as many people working on security if you have an automated system doing some of the legwork!

AI has many practical uses in cybersecurity today.

Today, AI is being used in a variety of ways to improve cybersecurity. With machine learning techniques, you can use AI to scan large amounts of data and detect anomalies that may indicate the presence of malware, phishing attacks, or other threats.

AI can also be used to detect attacks against your network and servers by analyzing patterns in traffic flow on your corporate network, alerting you when something unusual happens. The same goes for detecting attacks against users: if someone enters an invalid password too many times on a workstation or emails an attachment from an unfamiliar email address (one that isn't part of the accepted domains), this could signal potential malicious activity taking place.

AI is extremely useful, however it also has its disadvantages.

AI is extremely useful, however it also has its disadvantages. AI is very efficient and quick. It can scan huge amounts of data very quickly. This means that if you have a large network or computer system, you could use AI to scan the entire network for any problems or vulnerabilities within seconds! In cybersecurity, this can be extremely helpful because it allows companies to find issues in their systems in almost real time. For example, let’s say an organization used an anti-virus program that had not been updated since last year—the malware might have been able to get through the firewall without being detected but using AI would detect the issue quickly!

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of using artificial intelligence (AI) on your computer is that hackers could use AI against you! If someone hacked into your machine and wanted access but didn't know how much information was stored on it (or even what type), then they could use machine learning algorithms specifically designed for this purpose which will tell them exactly what kind of information there is available and where exactly it's located so they can then proceed accordingly with whatever plan they have next! Another disadvantage would be if someone used artificial intelligence incorrectly...I mean "wrongly" because there isn't really such thing as wrong when talking about technology but rather just different ways people choose to implement things."

AI is learning so quickly that it’s often outpacing its creators.

The most recent version of the famous Turing test, which determines if a machine can be considered “intelligent”, was held in February at the Royal Society in London. It was won by an AI program called Eugene Goostman – but only because judges didn't realize they were interacting with software.

The test involved passing off as a human through a series of text-based conversations; Eugene passed when it convinced 33% of the judges that it was actually 13-year-old Ukrainian boy named Eugene.

Eugene is just one example of how rapidly AIs are learning how to think and act like humans. And as this happens, cybersecurity professionals need to pay attention: The old rules about what makes something hackable or un-hackable may no longer apply!

With the amount of data we are feeding into these machines, there is concern of bias and unethical behavior.

AI is like a child, and it learns from its environment. The more data we feed into AI, the faster it learns. The more data we feed into AI, the more knowledge it has. This is why we have to be careful about how much information we give them and what kind of information we give them. For example if you teach an AI to play chess, but never show it how to win by using a checkmate move, then even though its strategy may be good enough to beat most humans at chess; when it comes time for this AI to play against another player who knows checkmate moves exist (and uses them), then your trained chess player will lose almost every time because they haven't been taught how to use this strategy themselves!

Similar situations can happen with cybersecurity too. This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the intentions of your AI.

It can be both good & bad depending on its intention

You may have heard that AI has the potential to make the world a better place. But what does that really mean? Is it really going to be used for good or is it just another tool for the bad guys?

So will AI save us or destroy us? It depends on how we use it. If we apply our knowledge, skills and creativity to the design of future AI systems and keep our focus on the idea that AI is meant to benefit humans, not eliminate them then AI should work for the good of humanity. However, if we abandon all caution when programming these systems and let them run wild with no human oversight, they could very well end up taking over the world in Terminator style.